What is a Consulta:

It’s a consult that intertwines an intuitive reading plus Ancestral Healing. Specifically designed for first time clients.

Helping eliminate Miasmic defense mechanisms, demons & negative thoughts that can be creating barriers in life, (feeling as if you’re taking one step forward but two steps back).

It’s a blend of:

- Reiki

-Tarot Cards

-Guided Imagery

-Craniosacral Therapy

-Channeling Ancestors

-Miasm Release/Demon Removal

- Angelic Energy, (working with angels)

What do you get:

-Customized self care rituals that can help alleviate stress and tension in the body.

-Health and wellness recommendations for extra support you in your healing journey.

-Customized journal prompts to help you with your thought process creating an action plan to help you over come barriers where you’re felling “stuck in life,” (career, life path, relationships).

-Self awareness of how Miasm and demons can contribute to pesky negative thoughts and self sabotaging behavior that can prevent you from succeeding in life.

How this works:

1. Book your appointment. Once your appointment is booked, you will be sent a link to connect over Zoom

2. In the booking portal, you will be asked to fill out a health intake form to get a clear idea of your situation before the session

3. 30 minute intuitive reading to asses how you are currently feeling emotionally and physically, where miasm is creating limitations in life and overall health. This helps create an action plan on where to work on the body when the healing portion of the session begins.

4. In a comfortable position, you will get to experience Ancestral Healing. Get a feel for the space that is created, how energy and spirit are incorporated into the session.

5. There will be a post 10 minute consult to answer any questions you and to make sure you mesh well moving forward into different healing offerings.

6. It’s recommended taking the rest of your day to be with yourself

  • Coming out of a session can make you feel a little sensitive to the outside world. Take a bath or go out in nature to help you stay in a relaxed state of mind

  • Your body will feel lighter, as in a weight has been lifted on your shoulders

  • Decrease in pain, muscle tension & anxiety

  • Improved sleep

  • Increase in creativity & inspiration

  • Increase in energy levels, feeling more alert

  • You will feel seen having a better understanding of where you are currently at on your journey

  • Having more confidence in who you are as a person, creating a plan of action on how you want to evolve


How long should I prepare?

For a Consulta, plan for 75 minutes

Does Laney offer other healing sessions?

Yes, an Auric Clearing & full day of Ancestral Healing. A Consulta will need to take place before signing onto any other healing offerings.

What if I want to book a Consulta but don’t want to receive healing?

Not a problem, Laney offers 20 minute consults & one hour tarot readings

What's Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese form of eneergy healing that has been around for thousands of years. However, the way Reiki is taught in todays Western cultre and how Laney was taught was taught was though weekend courses that was highly appropriated. It is simply modailty to help amplify your healing session.

What’s Craniosacral Therapy?

A gentle non-invasive modality that can help disengage the sympathetic nervous system known as the “fight or flight” mode. This can result in victim mentality, the triggering of unnecessary miasmic defense mechanisms, difficulty with decision making, distress, pain & headaches.

Craniosacral helps emphasize the role of musculoskeletal health so the body is able to self heal/self correct.

What’s Miasm Release & Demon Removal?

The body creates an energetic layer blocking out what it sees as a threat, concealing emotions to help move an individual through a challenging experience.

Miasmic defense mechanism & demons are created by negative thoughts & emotions. Depending on the experience, another persons demons can latch onto you depending on the experience. Demons can be passed down to us from our ancestral lineage

In a healing session, concealed emotions can come up to the surface. This is when guided imagery can be applied to help uncover what is creating underlying issues, (physical/emotional distress). When uncovered allowing miasm demons to fall off.

What does it mean to channel ancestors and angels?

In a session, your healing space is set calling in Angels & ancestors. You will hear Laney speak in a dialect whose ancestors are speaking right through her. They come in when feeling heavy emotions and can help with releasing miasm and demons.

What are tarot cards?

Tarot has been around for centuries. A deck has cards that can have different meanings. It’s simply a tool that helps gain insight on past, present and future.


Consulta: $200

20min. Complentary Consult

1 Hour Sliding Scale Tarot Reading: Base rate starts at $75

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